Friday, August 29, 2008

Adobe Photoshop CS2: Photographers' Guide

Photography and Photoshop go hand in hand. If you feel there isn�t enough photography in the average Photoshop book, and there isn�t enough Photoshop in the average photography book, then the book you�re looking for is right in your hands. This full-color book is packed with effective examples, simple to follow techniques, and tricks that serve as a jumping-off point to spark your own creativity into action. Examine Photoshop from a photographer�s perspective as you cover both traditional and leading-edge photographic techniques, and learn how to reproduce or enhance them in Photoshop.

Table of Contents:
1. Photoshop and Photography from 50,000 Feet
2. Camera and Lens Effects in Photoshop
3. Darkroom Techniques with Photoshop CS2
4. Secrets of Retouching
5. Compositing in Photoshop CS
6. Correcting Your Colors
7. Beyond Black and White
8. Using Photoshop CS's Filters
9. Hardcopies Made Easy
Illustrated Glossary

Download Adobe Photoshop CS2: Photographers' Guide Here


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